20 September – 20 November 2023

Thursday september 21, 2023 at 6 pm - during Exhibi.To


Curated by Olga Gambari

Laura Castagno

The Roccatre Art Gallery presents, during Exhibi.To, a solo show by Laura Castagno with a careful selection of works located in the two spaces of the gallery, as Olga Gambari, curator of the exhibition, writes:

“Milleventi è un’unica grande installazione di Laura Castagno che la coinvolge e trasforma lo spazio della galleria Roccatre. Il titolo deriva da quello di un suo meraviglioso libro d’arte, Mille Venti (), un manoscritto prezioso che vive raccolto nello scrigno di una scatola, un’opera su cento tavole sciolte, scritte a mano da Laura con il colore oro. Un’anagrafe dei venti del mondo, tutti quelli conosciuti che soffiano sulla Terra, da quelli nomi usati dagli antichi, molti quelli ormai caduti nell’oblio, a quelli che vivono nel contemporaneo, un viaggio tra tempi e geografie, dall’Asia alle Americhe, dall’Europa all’Oceania. …
Dall’altra parte della strada, l’altro spazio della galleria si trasforma in una project room museale, dove il percorso storico di Laura Castagno è un racconto filologico sviluppato per tappe con opere iconiche, che ne rileggono biografia artistica e ricerca, tratteggiandone la ricchezza e il valore”.

we would like to point out the presence of a work by Laura Castagno in the garden of Villa della Regina-Turin, on the occasion of Arte alle corti 2023, which can be visited until 6 January 2024- MORE

Laura Castagno, architect, artist and designer, was born in Turin in 1938.
Laura's artistic work begins in the 60s and has continued continuously since then, dedicating more and more time and space to it. Since the beginning, his artistic activity has been characterized by particular attention to the spatial context, and manifests itself through installations and migrations of signs in space.
He has participated in important group exhibitions, from Identity and Difference at the Venice Biennale in 1995 to Leonardo's Syndrome in the same year at Stupinigi and Primavera del Disseny in Barcelona; other presences in Steyr with Material Konzept Struktur in 1998, at the Forum Konkrete Kunst in Erfurt in 2005 and at Villa Pisani in Stra, also in 2005. Important solo exhibitions in Berlin (1991), Brussels (2000), Turin (2011).
Some of her works have recently been presented with those of her husband Leonardo Mosso at the Turin Design Museum; it has also recently been included in the AD magazine with the event "Archivi d'affetto".

Press Release

Some of  paintings included in the exhibit

Laura Castagno
Laura Castagno
Laura Castagno
Laura Castagno
Laura Castagno